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I. Convento do Espinheiro*****

7005-839, Évora

Out of the town (10 min), Clean & Safe hotel

Hotel highly recommended for the Post tour participants

Convento de Espinheiro is a historical hotel with roots of a local legend of the Holy Virgin appearing above a thornbush, which eventually led to the establishment of a convent. Today, it offers a relaxing spa, spacious rooms and nice gardens to take leisurely strolls in, combining the old with the new.  


The place is very quiet. The old converted convent has its own chapel and different courtyards and cloisters surrounded by vineyards and historic gardens. 


With an in-house gym and swimming pools. 

II. Pousada Convento de Evora****
Largo do Conde de Vila Flor, 7000-804 Évora,
In town centre, Clean & Safe hotel
If you come by car : limited parking space and very narrow street access!

The Pousada Convento de Évora, also known as the Pousada dos Loios, is located in the museum-city of Évora, a World Heritage site. The Pousada is located between the Catedral Gótica de Évora and the Roman Temple and very close to the Praça do Giraldo and the Colégio do Espírito Santo. 

The building retains traces of its original architecture, such as courtyard cloisters, a peaceful and serene area where you will find the outdoor swimming pool and an area for you to relax. The Pousada features the Loios restaurant and a bar.


III. M'ar de Ar Aqueduto*****
R. Cândido dos Reis 72, 7000-524 Évora,
Clean & Safe hotel

Located in the historic center, right in the heart of the city, this hotel is the result of the renovation of the old Sepulvedas Palace, a building of the XVIth century, where the magnificent chapel, vaulted ceilings and three Manueline windows on the main façade were beautifully preserved.

Boutique hotel, with a contemporary design, one 220m2 Spa and the Degust’Ar restaurant, where to  taste a combination of Alentejo and Mediterranean cuisines under the signature of Chef António Nobre.
Outdoor swimming pool, view on the Aqueduc. 


                                     HOTELS in ÉVORA
How to get there: airport Lisbon, train or rent a car (no transfers organized at arrival)
Taxi  pre-reserved transfers by RSI Viagens 24h/24h 
Train : 1:25h from Lisbon Oriente

IV. The Noble House (YFCS)*** 
Rua Freiria de Baixo, 16-20, 7000-898 Évora
Clean & Safe hotel

The Noble House is a historical and charming hotel, as well as the oldest of the city. In the same vein, this hotel also lies at the heart of Évora and a simple two minute walk from the historical centre.

!! There are many stairs and no lifts! 

Bookings via the Friends of the Countryside for rooms and VIP treatment  for our group 

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FCS GA Programme and Registrations

Jehanne de Dorlodot Verhaegen


Tel: +32 497 93 05 30



José Gomez Acebo


Tel: +34 660 37 16 16



Sophy Smits van Oyen-Maltzoff


Tel: +32 479 22 31 92

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with the support for Spain :



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