26th Friends of the Countryside General Assembly
Dear Friends,
Drodzy Przyjaciele,
We invite you to join the 26th Friends of the Countryside General Assembly as we head east to the capital of the Wielkopolska region, Poznań, one of the oldest cities in Poland with a variety of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque influences. This will be a particularly pertinent time to visit Poland which is bearing the brunt of the many negative aspects brought on by the war in neighbouring Ukraine.
The General Assembly will take place from Thursday June 15 to Sunday June 18, 2023
The assembly will begin on Thursday June 15 with a welcome buffet dinner at Ulan Browar, a brewery and brasserie for a traditional Polish feast. The General Assembly the next day will take place at the Imperial Palace (Zamek Cesarski) followed by the conference based on the theme: “Adapting to New TImes: Embracing Opportunities”. The Gala dinner that evening will be held at Restauracja Bazar 1838, the beautifully restored winery cellar.
The Greater Poland region surrounding Poznań has a gently rolling countryside, is home to over a hundred lakes and is known for its wetlands, forests and meadows. For the Saturday Tour themes you will be able to choose from: Heritage & Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Export & Innovation, Diversification & Vision for the Future - from real estates to specialised productions and Biodiversity & high quality local products. We will gather for an optional informal dinner that evening at Pałac Mańkowskich w Brodnicy-Brodnica Mansion.
After the General Assembly there will be an option to join the Short Post Tour from Sunday June 18 to Thursday June 22 visiting Czestochowa and Krakow or the Long Post Tour which will extend to Sunday June 25 to Szczawnica in the Carpathian mountains on the border with Slovakia. You will find more information about the region, programme and hotels on the specially conceived website.
We always look forward to this FCS highlight of the year where Friends gather to share and discuss practices, participate in field visits and gain knowledge from local landowners and speakers at the conference. It is the perfect opportunity to connect with like minded landowners and land managers.
As you certainly know, this will be my last GA as FCS President, a position that I have cherished and honoured to have your trust. The elections for the presidential succession will take place at the General Assembly for which we happily already have a candidate.
We would like to thank the Polish landowners and entrepreneurs for their support in putting together this compelling programme.
Yours in Friendship,
Michael zu Salm-Salm
FCS President