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THURSDAY, June 15 - For more details click on 'Thursday-Friday' in the menu.



For FCS Board Members
"Parkowa", City Park Residence
04:30pm-07:30pm FCS Board meeting
08:30pm Board Members & partner's dinner prepared by a chef

"Cucina 88", City Park Residence 

For FCS Members and partners and YFCS
City Park Residence
08:00pm-11:00pm (optional) Drinks and Buffet dinner at “Restauracja Ulan Browar” - an old brewery,

City Park Residence, Poznań

Polish beers and dinner of local specialties







FRIDAY, June 16 - For more details click on 'Thursday-Friday' in the menu.

For FCS & YFCS Members
Zamek Cesarski- The Imperial Palace, Poznan

09:00am-11:00am 26th Friends of the Countryside General Assembly

11:00am-11:30am Networking break

11:30am-12:45pm Conference: "Adapting to New Times: Embracing Opportunities"
12:45pm-01:00pm Famigro Award ceremony

For Partners
09:00am Meet at the Imperial Palace for a guided tour

Followed by a guided visit in town, Zamek Krolewski and National Museum with stop at "Weranda" for a coffee

For All
01:30pm-03:00pm Walking lunch in the  courtyard of the Imperial Palace


03:00pm-05:00pm (optional)
Option 1: Beyond Poznan (30 min bus) Guided visit to 
Raczynski Palace, Rogalin: art collection and gardens 
Option 2: In Poznan : Guided visit to The Cathedral Island and Brama Interpretation Center

Option 3: For Young Friends : "Sustainable Transformation for Estates" Workshop (Zamek Cesarski- The Imperial Palace), Poznan

Gala dinner
08:30pm Gala dinner in town at
Bazar 1838
Wildlife Estates label ceremony







SATURDAY, June 17 - For more details click on 'Saturday" in the menu.

Visits in the Countryside, the best of Wielkopolska Voivodeship
Departure from the meeting points at walking distance from the hotels. The estates are in the surrounding area of Poznan, maximum 130km.

See 'Saturday' in the menu for more details


BLUE TOUR : Heritage & Entrepreneurship

RED TOUR : Agricultural Export & Innovation

GREEN TOUR :  Diversification & Vision for the Future - from real estates to specialised productions (under construction)

ORANGE TOUR (YFCS) : Biodiversity & high quality local products

FCS Farewell Informal Dinner (optional)

20:30pm  : Pałac Mańkowskich w Brodnicy-Brodnica Mansion

Dress codes:

Informal dinners: tenue de ville

Gala dinner: cocktail dress

Visits : casually smart with comfortable shoes

POST TOURS - For more details click on 'Post Tours in the menu

Option 1: Short Post Tour 

Sunday, June 18 and Monday, June 19

10:00am Departure for Worclaw, Czarny Las Castle and Czestochowa

Tuesday, June 20 and Wednesday, June 21

Departure for Krakow

Thursday, June 22 morning (flights from Krakow)

end of the Short Post tour


Option 2: Long Post Tour- To the mountains

Thursday, June 22 -  Friday, June 23 and Saturday,June 24 & 

Departure for Szczawnica-Pieniny (120km)

Sunday, June 25

End of the Long Post tour

Bus returns to Krakow in the morning

Dress codes:

Informal dinners: tenue de ville

Gala dinner: cocktail dress

Visits : casually smart- comfortable shoes

Post tour: casually smart- comfortable shoes- hiking equipment, binoculars and swimming suit!

Poland : A Short History from the 13th Century up to WW2

Poland has had a rich and varied history shifting from being a major power in central Europe
to vanishing from the map of the world completely for a whole century!

The Piast Dynasty was the first ruling dynasty of Poland, which consolidated considerable political
and cultural growth for Poland. After the death of its last Ruler Casmir III the Great in 1370, the rule

of Poland was passed on to his nephew Louis I of Hungary. His daughter eventually succeeded as the first female king, indeed not a queen! In August 1385, the Union of Krewo was signed, both a political agreement and her marriage with the Grand duke, Władysław II Jagiełło. Their union marked an extensive territory extending from the Baltic to the Black sea, and so becoming a major power in Central Europe. Poland grew further still and acquired the important economic ports of Gdańsk and Elbląg in 1466 and ensured prosperity in the cities such as Poznañ, Lwów and Krakow.

In the 16th century, the Polish-Lithuanian Union became the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after signing the Union of Lublin in 1569. As a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or Poland in short, the kings were not granted power by inheritance, but through election in parliament. After years of wars and weakening, the election of the kings opened the door to other countries to meddle in Polish internal affairs. After the so-called Swedish Deluge, Poland fell to ruin and was further weakened when she lost in the War of Polish Succession.


In  the1700s Poland's Great Sjem (parliament) proved ineffective and not able to resist to foreign invasions, resulting in the loss of Poland’s neighbouring countries. The last king of Poland, Stanislav II, elected in 1764, ruled as a puppet-ruler under the Russian Empire. Under his rule the First (1772), Second (1793) and Third (1795) Partition took place. These three territorial partitions, perpetrated by Russia, Prussia and Austria, progressively reduced Poland’s territory, until it ceased to exist in 1795. Poland disappeared from the map until after the First World War.

After 123 years of foreign rule, Józef Pilusdksi was installed as the new leader of Poland. After defeat in yet another war

with Russia, in 1920, the Second Polish Republic was established. In the inter-war period Poland became threatened on two fronts, both the Soviet Union and Germany. The 1st of September 1939 officially marked the beginning of WWII. Poland was one of the worst-faired nations of WWII, with over 1/5 of all Polish civilians dying in combat or mass executions and of the 6 million Jews that were killed during the Holocaust, half of them are estimated to have been Polish. After the defeat of Germany in 1945, Poland remained under influence of Russia until 1989 behind the Iron Curtain.

The name comes from the ancient Slavic tribe "Polan," which means "people living in the open fields." This tribe has inhabited the region since the 6th century.





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Map of Poznan

  1. Poznań Town Hall 

  2. Imperial Castle 

  3. St. Peter’s and Paul’s Cathedral 

  4. Old Brewery 

  5. St. Adalbert’s Church 

  6. Fort Winery 

  7. Archbishop Palace 

  8. National Museum 

  9. Palm House 

  10. Park Citadel 

  11. Sheraton Hotel 

  12. Mercure Hotel 

  13. City Park Hotel & Residence

  14. Train Station


A Selection of Fun Facts:

Poland is the largest exporter of amber in the world with an

estimated 70% share of products on the world market.

The second-largest clock in Europe is located at the Palace of Culture and Science.

It is 6 meters in diameter.

One of the oldest restaurants in Europe, Piwnica Widnicka,

was founded in 1275 and is located in Wroclaw.

The Polish constitution was the first in Europe and the second in the world.

It was created right after the United States.

Vodka comes from Poland with the first written mention of the spirit found in Polish court documents from 1405.

It was originally used as a medicine.

Today Poles still make some of the best vodkas in the world, producing around 260 million litres a year.

The largest outdoor free music festival in Europe takes place in Poland.

Pol'and'Rock Festival, previously known as Przystanek Woodstock has an average attendance of over 600,000 people.

The narrowest house in the world is only 4 meters wide and is located between two buildings in Warsaw.

The President of the Republic of Poland awardsa  medal to

couples who have been married for at least 50 years.

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FCS GA 2023 and Post tour 

Emmanuelle Mikosz


FCS GA 2023 Programme and Registrations

Jehanne de Dorlodot Verhaegen


Tel: +32 497 93 05 30


Board and New Members


Sophy Smits van Oyen-Maltzoff


Tel: +32 479 22 31 92

with the support:





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