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27th FCS General Assembly and Conference
Climate Change: Implications on Business Models for Landowners

Hotel Garden, Siena
Friday May 31

FCS General Assembly
01.30pm to 03.00pm

  • Welcome - Italian Board


  • Welcome - Seger van Voorst tot Voorst


  • Introduction - Seger van Voorst tot Voorst


  • ​Formalities - 26th FCS General Assembly - Seger van Voorst tot Voorst

Approval of the Agenda

Approval of the minutes FCS GA 2023 in Poznan

Approval of Board election and reelection

Approval of Candidate FCS Members


  • ELO Achievements - Thierry de l'Escaille, ELO President & FCS Secretary General


  • A British Perspective - Ross Murray

  • An American Perspective - Joe Hoagland


  • Announcement of the FCS 28th General Assembly June 2024 - Caroline Nordenfalk Bielke


  • Accounts and budget - Jurgen Tack


  • Young Friends of the Countryside - Anna Zahedi-Lamarche


  • Varia

  • Q&A



Climate Change: Implications on Business Models for Landowners


Welcome and introduction by Alessandro BARBIANO DE BELGIOJOSO, FCS Board Member and Benedetta ROSPIGLIOSI, FCS member  


03:30pm-04:40pm Presentation and Q&A with speakers. Moderator: Benedetta ROSPIGLIOSI,


Presentation of Massimiliano GIANSANTI, President Confagricoltura.











Massimiliano Giansanti is an agricultural entrepreneur, and President of Confagricoltura.  He is actively engaged in supporting progress and innovation in agriculture and promoting the growth and sustainable development of the agricultural sector. Chairman of Agricola Giansanti srl and CEO of the Di Muzio Agricultural Companies Group, present in the provinces of Rome, Viterbo and Parma. The companies, specialized in the production of cereals, kiwis, milk and livestock products, are active both in the agro-industrial and agro-energy sectors, through the production of electricity from photovoltaics. Among other things, in Parma it produces Parmigiano Reggiano and in Rome high quality bovine milk for the Centrale del Latte.

Confagricoltura is the oldest organization for the protection and representation of agricultural businesses. It is committed to the development of agricultural companies and the primary sector in general, for the benefit of the community, the economy, the environment and the territory. It promotes access to business innovation, the sustainability of agricultural practices and company competition on domestic and international markets.


Presentation of Vitaliano FIORILLO, Associate Professor in operations and supply chain management, SDA Bocconi School of Management. 











Vitaliano Fiorillo is an Associate Professor of Practice in Operations and Technology at SDA Bocconi School of Management. He is also a part-time Professor of Management at Bocconi University. At SDA Bocconi, he serves as the Director of the Invernizzi AGRI Lab – Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi Agribusiness Research Initiative. He has managed research and training programs with major companies in various economic sectors, including agri-food, agriculture, food & beverage, oil & gas, energy and automation, commercial aviation, and automotive, where he has developed in-depth knowledge. His research focuses on supply chain management and sustainability, with a particular emphasis on the Agribusiness sector.


Recently, he has explored research topics such as agribusiness management, operations management in agribusiness, investments in agribusiness, regenerative agriculture and carbon farming, ecosystem services and natural capital, carbon credits, supply chain management in manufacturing and service enterprises, supply chain management and sustainability in the food & beverage sector, food safety and food security, sustainable supply chain management, sustainability, and sustainable operations, environment, and sustainable development. Vitaliano is the author of numerous international articles and business cases. He won the international Case Writing Competition of EFMD with the case "Boeing 787: Cleared for Take Off?".


He is the author of the books "Agribusiness. Management dell’Azienda Agricola" (Egea, 2022) and "Il futuro del biologico. Modello di sviluppo per il settore agroalimentare" (Egea, 2015). He is a member of the Technical-Scientific Committee (CTS) of the Fondazione Sviluppo Patrimonio Ca’ Granda and the CTS of the Invernizzi Reference Centre on Agrifood (IRCAF). Vitaliano earned his Bachelor's degree in Political Science with an international focus from the Università degli Studi di Pavia, a Master's degree in International Relations from the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, a Master's degree in Economics and Management of Energy and the Environment from Università Bocconi, and a Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Università di Bergamo, in collaboration with Università Bocconi and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Zaragoza Logistic Centre (ZLC) in 2014.




Presentation of Dr. Luca MONTANARELLA,  European Commission (1992-2023); Chair, International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII)












Luca Montanarella studied agricultural sciences at the University of Perugia, Italy. Post-doctoral studies at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. From 1992 till 2023 scientific officer of the European Commission. Leading the Soil Data and Information Systems activities of the Joint Research Centre in support to the EU Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection and numerous other soil related policies, like the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the UNCCD, UNFCCC, CBD, etc… Responsible of the European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC), the European Soil Information System (EUSIS), the European Soil Bureau Network (ESBN) and the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO). In 2011 supporting the establishment of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) at FAO. Currently chairing the International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII) of the GSP. Awards and memberships Winner of the Glinka World Soil Prize in 2020. Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of France. Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Slovakia. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Bulgaria. More than 200 publications, books and reports available here 



04:40pm-04:45pm: Closing of the conference and handover to Youssef DIB, FCS member


Workshop: "Private Landowners Adapting to Change & Risk"



04:45pm-04:55pm: Introduction by Youssef DIB and Anna ZAHEDI-LAMARCHE


04:55pm-05:40pm: Interactive session between Friends and the Young Friends generation moderated by Anna ZAHEDI-LAMARCHE, Chairwoman of the YFCS


Young Friend member Giorgenzo TREVES DE BONFILI - young agricultural entrepreneur

Niccolo ROSSI - owner of the Torre a Cona estate near Florence and son of FCS member Lorenzo Rossi


05:40pm-05:50pm:  Conclusions and short presentation from family holdings investment funds by Youssef DIB


05:50pm: Conclusions and closing


FCS Member Youssef DIB - Senior Advisor at Apricus


Youssef Dib is a weathered professional with over 35 years of banking experience.

He is currently Senior Advisor of Apricus, a leading wealth management boutique based in Geneva and regulated by the FINMA. He also has an active role in advising families on family governance. Prior to Apricus, Youssef had senior management positions at BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole Indosuez, and Swiss Financial House among others. He has been based in New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Geneva and Beirut.

Youssef Dib is a graduate from HEC Paris in finance. He is married and has four sons. He is a board member of several NGOs.

He was an honorary member of the Friends of the Countryside, as he proudly supported the organisation at its beginnings, as a sponsor at BNP Paribas.



Young Friends member Giorgenzo TREVES DE BONFILI - young agricultural entrepreneur.


Business centres: 1) "Cascina Tavolette" (in Pralboino, Brescia district) 











General Core Business: Growing cereal crops (wheat, barley, oat, corn...), fodder plants (lucerne, weed...), legumes (soy bean, peas..); "Cascina Tavolette" is currently experiencing a complete restoration and will soon represent a vivid example of holiday farm with rural hospitality and the possibility to organise events in the yard and in the estate vineyard.


The business has been in the family for over 200 years. The farm has been rented until the end of the 20th century and has been conducted by family members since then. After my Master's in London and a professional experience in strategy consulting, I have entered the company in 2020 and have immediately undertaken a series of investments to enhance the competitiveness of the firm while reducing its carbon footprint (e.g. purchase of adjoining fields, building restoration, employment of carbon sequestration programs and organic methods...). The transmission between my parents/family and me was extremely smooth because we all share the same set of values and passion towards farming and nature in general. In my day-to-day activities, I apply the same rigor and methodology as during my international studies and previous work while the main farming skills have been developed through a mix of what I learnt at a specialised farming school and the experience gained on-the-job.


Niccolo ROSSI - owner of the Torre a Cona estate, a Welcoming Estate near Florence. Niccolo is the son of FCS member Lorenzo Rossi.














Napoleone Rossi di Montelera acquired the Torre a Cona estate in 1935 from the children of Giulia Padoa and Gustavo Corinaldi. The family owned Martini & Rossi, a world-renowned wine and spirits company. The business started with his grandfather Luigi (1828-1892), who came to Turin from the countryside penniless and quickly became an expert liquor maker and entrepreneur. He is the author of the legendary recipe book handwritten under his dictation by his wife Marianna, in which the basic Martini recipes are found. Luigi's sons in 1911 obtained the title of counts for industrial merits to which, in 1922, the predicate "of Montelera" was added. The family passion for winemaking continues today in new forms with the production of Torre a Cona, first with Lorenzo, son of Napoleon, and today with the latest generation, Ludovica, Niccolò and Leonardo.


Torre a Cona is now a boutique winery with hospitality. Wine production and hospitality are the core business.

Wine production: 20 hectares of vineyard and approx. 80.000 bottles produced. The production of wine has always been present on the estate but with a more structured approach starting in the late 1990’s.

Hospitality: We opened a more structured hospitality in 2021 with 80 beds in a portion of the villa and the surrounding cottages. There is one restaurant on the property also open to external guests, a tasting room/wine shop and a series of activities and events for our internal guests and external visitors.

In addition to the wine production and hospitality, we farm an olive grove of 6.000 trees, 30 hectares are dedicated to “pascolo” for horses, and about 200 hectares of forest. These last activities are marginal and aim at preserving the estate assets.


Torre a Cona has transformed from a family estate to a small business along the years. Niccolò has always been involved alongside his parents and since the late 90’s supervising for his family the transformation of the estate and managing the business side of it. A portion of the villa and of the gardens remains private for the family members use only.


05:30pm-05:45pm: Conclusions and closing

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FCS GA 2024 Programme and Registrations

Jehanne de Dorlodot Verhaegen


Tel: +32 497 93 05 30


Board and New Members


Sophy Smits van Oyen-Maltzoff


Tel: +32 479 22 31 92


with the support of:








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